
Showing posts from March, 2021

1917 (2020) review

    1917    I don’t watch much war films yet I do watch time period films and films based on true stories, 1917 Was an honest and truly fantastic story on world war 1.   I’m in love with the camera work as it’s a one shot film, A technique used to film one take making a full length film also called a “oney”, this was used to take a continuous action shot to show what goes on in the front lines and the challenges for our protagonist to take on his adventure.   Yes this movie is taken place during World War One, yet it it’s particularly about a story told to Sam Mendes/director by his grandfather   Alfred H. Mendes as a child who served with the British army in World War One and is dedicated to his grandfather.   The story tells of two messengers of the British army that must reach across enemy territory in hopes to at saving his fellow soldiers in combat. As this plot comes as a part true and accurate part of the war as messengers were called “runners” who has to send letters to their c

The Invisible man (2020) review

     The Invisible Man (2020)   Reboots either there failure's to the original or maybe better. Though I can say this was one heck of a great version to the classic novel well I guess I'd have to give my honest thoughts to this success.    Let me tell you one thing about me, Growing up I was a huge fan of 2004's The Phantom Of the Opera. When I got older I got into the more classic versions of the film while upon discovering that it was based on the book "that thing's got to be covered in dust in my shelf", Anyway after a long while I lost interest in it and got deeper into classic films ranging from 20's to 90's not saying I watched every classic films just well known ones. And I watched those classic Universal Classic monster films which included The Invisible Man (1933).   (1933) Version really stuck to the novel as the story tells of a mad scientist named Jack Griffin who finds a potion giving him the ability of invisibility, When he shows his abil

Justice League: The Snyder Cut (2021) review

  Justice League: The Snyder Cut    Zack finally redeemed himself and brought justice to Justice League. This film was beautiful as it gave the appropriate depiction and image to a live action Justice League we all were waiting for.   New scenes are added to the film with new dialogue and music. Scenes are added explaining more to the story and with a new darker tone to scenes, New dialogue is added giving bigger and longer lines to characters giving better reasons to be in the movie some dialogue is removed giving a better understanding and maturity, Music hit me hard not emotionally but gave an excellent thrill and match to scenes.   Speaking of maturity rumors spoke true to adult language added by our heroes. Violence is topped off with bloody gore which was like watching Snyder's The Watchmen except less blood.   Design in characters is way better, Really made me feel like I was watching JL from a comic book as costumes to characters were very accurate and better versions Batma

Justice League: The Snyder Cut (2021)

  Justice League: The Snyder Cut is just 1 day away   With just 1 day left Justice League: The Snyder Cut will be streaming on HBO Max. On March     18,2021 Zack Snyder will bring his Directors cut of Justice League.    The original released back in 2017 and given poor reviews and utter disappointment, With DC comic fans finding it as a really inaccurate imagining of DC "mythology" and a 40% rotten tomatoes. The film was given this treatment as Zack Snyder had a family emergency and left from shooting the film leaving the job to director Joss Whedon. I believe if Zack Snyder stuck around we would be seeing what where gonna get in this directors cut.   If the trailers didn't have your jaws dropped and screaming your vocal chords out "Darkseid" then it seems you have to get mine and every other fan of DC comics experience watching the new trailers. as fans have been seeing our big baddy Darkseid "lord of Apokolips", Now were seeing other villains of DC U